The pass-the-hash attack explained
A “hash” is a mathematical representation of data, often used as a security measure to ensure that sensitive information, such as…
A “hash” is a mathematical representation of data, often used as a security measure to ensure that sensitive information, such as passwords, is not stored in plain text. Instead, the password is converted into a series of random characters using a one-way mathematical function, which makes it difficult for attackers to guess the password.
However, a pass-the-hash attack involves the attacker bypassing the need to know the existing password by using the hash value instead. In other words, an attacker can use the hash of a user’s password to authenticate themselves to a computer system without actually knowing the password itself.
The attack works by stealing the hash value of a user’s password from a compromised computer or network. Once the attacker has obtained the hash value, they can use it to authenticate themselves as legitimate users and gain access to the system without knowing the actual password. This is possible because many computer systems use a process called “single sign-on,” allowing users to access multiple resources without entering their password.
To carry out a pass-the-hash attack, an attacker must first gain access to a computer or network and extract the password hash values from the system’s memory or registry. This can be accomplished through various means, including malware, social engineering, or brute-force attacks.
Once the attacker has obtained the password hash values, they can use a tool such as Mimikatz to extract the plaintext password from the hash or use the hash directly to authenticate themselves to the system. From there, the attacker can move laterally through the network, gaining access to other systems and sensitive data.
Pass-the-hash attacks can be hazardous because they can go undetected for long periods, allowing the attacker to continue to access the system and steal sensitive information. They can also be challenging to detect because the attacker is using a legitimate user’s credentials, making it appear that the user is accessing the system.
To protect against pass-the-hash attacks, it is essential to implement strong security measures, including multi-factor authentication, regular password changes, and strict access control policies. Organizations should also ensure that all systems and software are up to date with the latest security patches and that they are monitoring their networks for any suspicious activity.
In conclusion, pass-the-hash attacks seriously threaten computer systems and networks. Attackers can use this technique to bypass authentication measures and gain access to sensitive information. It is crucial for organizations to implement robust security measures to protect against these types of attacks and ensure the safety of their data.
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Luis Soares
CTO | Head of Engineering | Fintech & Blockchain SME | Web3 | DeFi | Cyber Security
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