Micro Frontends Explained

Micro frontends are software architecture pattern that breaks down a monolithic frontend application into smaller, more manageable pieces…

Micro Frontends Explained

Micro frontends are software architecture pattern that breaks down a monolithic frontend application into smaller, more manageable pieces. These smaller pieces, or micro frontends, can be developed, deployed, and updated independently, providing several benefits over traditional monolithic frontend applications.

One of the main benefits of micro frontends is that they allow for more efficient and effective development. By breaking down a large monolithic frontend into smaller pieces, teams can work on specific micro frontends independently without affecting the rest of the application. This can lead to faster development times and more efficient use of resources.

Another benefit of micro frontends is that they allow for more flexible deployment. With a monolithic front end, the entire front end must be redeployed if a change is made to the application. With micro frontends, only the specific micro frontend that was changed needs to be redeployed, reducing the risk of downtime and making deployments more efficient.

Micro frontends also provide better scalability and maintainability. With a monolithic front end, it can become increasingly challenging to manage and maintain as the application grows. On the other hand, micro frontends can be scaled and carried more efficiently, as they are smaller and more manageable pieces.

Another advantage of micro frontends is that it allows for better separation of concern. By dividing the application into smaller, more manageable pieces, teams can focus on specific areas of the application and ensure that each micro frontend is responsible for a particular set of functionality. This allows for better organization and cleaner code.

To implement micro frontends, several different approaches can be taken. One popular method is to use a frontend router, such as Single-spa or Navi. These routers allow for other micro frontends to be loaded and rendered based on the current URL, providing a seamless experience for the user.

Another approach is to use an iframe, which allows each micro frontend to be loaded in its frame and rendered independently. This can provide more isolation between micro frontends and add complexity to the implementation.

In conclusion, Micro frontends are a powerful architectural pattern that can provide several benefits over traditional monolithic frontend applications. By breaking down a large monolithic front into smaller pieces, teams can work more efficiently and effectively, deploy more flexibly, scale and maintain more efficiently, and have a better separation of concern. Several different approaches can be taken to implement micro frontends, and it’s essential to choose the method that best fits the specific needs of your application.

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All the best,

Luis Soares

Head of Engineering | Solutions Architect | Blockchain & Fintech SME | Data & Artificial Intelligence Researcher. 20+ years of experience in technology.

#microfrontends #frontenddevelopment #team #softwareengineering #architecture #webdevelopment

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