Crafting a Secure Server-to-Server Handshake with Rust & OpenSSL

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Crafting a Secure Server-to-Server Handshake with Rust & OpenSSL

Hello there, fellow tech enthusiast! 🦀

If you’ve been itching to give your servers a unique secret handshake that only they understand, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re venturing into the world of secure server-to-server handshakes, using the powerful combo of Rust and OpenSSL.

Why Choose Rust & OpenSSL?

First off, Rust is like that reliable friend you can always count on. It promises safety without compromising on speed, making it a favorite for projects like ours. On the other side, we have OpenSSL, a time-tested toolkit for ensuring secure communications over digital networks. Combine these two, and you’ve got yourself a dynamic duo!

The openssl Crate in the Limelight

The openssl crate serves as a bridge between the Rust programming language and the OpenSSL library. OpenSSL itself is a titan in the world of security, boasting a storied history spanning decades. Given its crucial role in web security, having a performant and type-safe interface in Rust is immensely valuable. The openssl crate is more than just a wrapper; it integrates OpenSSL's raw power into the Rust paradigm, ensuring memory safety and concurrency benefits.

Deep Dive into Features

  1. Cryptography:
  • Symmetric Encryption: Using algorithms like AES, it supports encryption where the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
  • Asymmetric Encryption: Enables public-private key pair operations with algorithms such as RSA. In this scheme, a public key encrypts data, while a private key decrypts it.
  • Message Digests and Hashing: Offers tools for creating digests of data, ensuring data integrity using algorithms like SHA256, MD5, and more.
  • Digital Signatures: Validates data authenticity and integrity. Using a private key, one can sign data, and using the corresponding public key, others can verify the signature.

2. SSL/TLS Framework:

  • Connection Handling: Initiates and manages both client and server-side connections, facilitating encrypted communication.
  • Context Configuration: Manages settings and callbacks for groups of connections, ensuring flexibility in handling SSL/TLS parameters.
  • Session Resumption: Speeds up the TLS handshake process by reusing session parameters, optimizing connection times.

3. X.509 Certificate Management:

  • Certificate Generation and Inspection: Allows for the creation of self-signed certificates and inspection of various certificate fields.
  • Certificate Verification: Validates the authenticity of a certificate against a set of trusted certificates.
  • Certificate Chains and Stores: Manages chains of certificates and stores of trusted CAs.

4. Key Management and Generation:

  • RSA, ECDSA, and DSA: Facilitates operations around various key types, from generation to serialization.
  • Private Key Security: Ensures private keys are kept secure, supporting both traditional PEM and the more secure PKCS8 formats.

5. ASN.1 and DER Functionality:

  • ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) is the language used to define data structures.
  • DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) is a specific method to encode ASN.1 data structures. This encoding is foundational in how certificates and keys are represented.

6. Custom Extensions and Plugins: The crate is extensible, allowing for the integration of custom cryptographic methods and extensions, ensuring that developers are not limited by the provided set of features.

Getting the Ball Rolling:

1. The Checklist:

  • A dash of Rust knowledge.
  • Rust and Cargo, ready to roll on your machine.
  • OpenSSL library, all set up.

2. Let’s Set Up Camp:

Kick things off with a brand new Rust project:

cargo new secure_handshake 
cd secure_handshake

3. The Right Tools for the Job:

Add in the crucial libraries to your Cargo.toml:

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } 
openssl = "0.10" 
tokio_openssl = "0.6"

4. Crafting the Digital Keys:

Let’s make some self-signed certificates.

At this point, I suggest you jump straight to the Rust’s Hands-On Digital Keys Generator we developed together on this article.

That will give your a much more in-depth understanding of how certificates and keys are generated at a low level.

Alternatively, if you don’t have the time now to read it, feel free to generate your keys manually by running:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

Dive Right Into the Code:

1. Building Our Server’s Sanctuary:

Here, we’re setting up a server to handle the secret handshakes securely:

async fn run_server() { 
    let mut server_config = ServerConfig::new(NoClientAuth::new()); 
    server_config.set_single_cert(load_certs(), load_private_key()).unwrap(); 
    let server_config = Arc::new(server_config); 
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); 
    let acceptor = TlsAcceptor::from(server_config); 
    loop { 
        let (stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap(); 
        let tls_stream = acceptor.accept(stream).await.unwrap(); 
async fn handle_client(mut tls_stream: tokio_rustls::server::TlsStream<TcpStream>) { 
    // Reads data from the TLS stream 
    let mut data = vec![0; 100]; data).await.unwrap(); 
    if &data[..5] == b"HELLO" { 
        println!("Received HELLO from client. Sent HELLO_ACK."); 
    // You can add more exchanges here. 

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2. The Other Side — The Client:

Our client needs to be just as savvy, ensuring the handshake is legit:

async fn run_client() { 
    let mut config = ClientConfig::new(); 
    let dns_name = DNSNameRef::try_from_ascii_str("localhost").unwrap(); 
    let cert = load_certs(); 
    let connector = TlsConnector::from(Arc::new(config)); 
    let stream = TcpStream::connect("").await.unwrap(); 
    let mut tls_stream = connector.connect(dns_name, stream).await.unwrap(); 
    // Read an Write Data 
    let mut buffer = vec![0; 100]; buffer).await.unwrap(); 
    if &buffer[..9] == b"HELLO_ACK" { 
        println!("Received HELLO_ACK from server."); 

3. Validating the Keys:

fn load_certs() -> Vec<Certificate> { 
    let cert_file = File::open("localhost.crt").expect("Cannot open certificate file"); 
    let mut cert_reader = BufReader::new(cert_file); 
    certs(&mut cert_reader).unwrap_or_else(|_| { 
        panic!("Failed to read certificate"); 
fn load_private_key() -> rustls::PrivateKey { 
    let key_file = &mut BufReader::new(File::open("localhost.key").unwrap()); 
    let keys = pkcs8_private_keys(key_file).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to load keys")); 
    if keys.is_empty() { 
        panic!("No keys found!"); 

4. The Grand Finale:

Finally, integrate everything into a main function, setting the stage for our servers to start their secret handshakes!

async fn main() { 
    // Giving server some time to start. 

Run the project now, and you will see the outputs as this:

Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s 
     Running `target/debug/rustprotosrv` 
Received HELLO from client. Sent HELLO_ACK. 
Received HELLO_ACK from server. 
Process finished with exit code 0

There you have it! With just a sprinkle of code and the power of Rust & OpenSSL, your servers are now equipped with a secret handshake protocol.

Now, go forth and let them communicate with confidence! 🚀

Wrapping up

Well, that wraps up our dive into crafting a Secure Server-to-Server Handshake with Rust & OpenSSL.

If you’re looking to get a closer look at the code or perhaps want to try it out yourself, I’ve got you covered.

You can find the complete implementation over at my GitHub repository:

Your feedback, suggestions, or contributions are always welcome.

Download Now!

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🌟 Crafting a Secure Server-to-Server Handshake with Rust & OpenSSL — 
If you’ve been itching to give your servers a unique secret handshake that only they understand, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re venturing into the world of secure server-to-server handshakes, using the powerful combo of Rust and OpenSSL.

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Happy coding, and keep those Rust gears turning!

Read more articles about Rust in my Rust Programming Library!

Happy coding, and keep those Rust gears turning! 🦀

Read more articles about Rust in my Rust Programming Library!

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All the best,

Luis Soares

CTO | Tech Lead | Senior Software Engineer | Cloud Solutions Architect | Rust 🦀 | Golang | Java | ML AI & Statistics | Web3 & Blockchain

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